Altar Guild

The Altar Guild Ministry is responsible for preparing the altar, as well as other areas of the church, for various worship services including: Sunday Morning Worship, Holidays, Week Days, funerals and memorials.

Archival Ministry

The Archival Ministry maintains the historical records of the church

Armor Bearer Ministry

The Armor Bearer Ministry provides care and assistance to the Pastor, Ministers, and others associated with the pulpit ministry.

Children, Youth & Young Adults Ministries

The mission of the Children, Youth & Young Adults Ministries is to equip and empower these respective groups to engage, express and enjoy God’s purpose for their lives through the study of His Word and fellowship.

Christian Education

The Christian Education Ministry under girds every ministry of the church. Its mission is to provide the educational resources, programs, and training required for ministry leaders, members and the community. In general, to advance the fundamental purposes of the church: worship, ministry, fellowship, evangelism and discipleship.

Deaconess Ministry

The Deaconess Ministry consists of some of the wives and widows of our Deacons. They are co-laborers with the Deacons as they the sick and shut-in members, prepare female candidates for baptism and assist with the Holy Communion.

Family and Friends Committee

This Committee organizes Family and Friends events as a celebration of family, fellowship and faith.

Floral Club

The Floral Club provides flowers to beautify the sanctuary. The flowers are given to the infirm, guests or others. Individuals can provide flowers through the Floral Club to be presented to their loved ones on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries.

Health and Wellness Ministry

Helping Hands is a ministry in which Jesus Christ is the center of all that we do. This ministry is what its title says: they undertake outreach missions to serve individuals and families without our community that our in need. The Helping Hand ministry feeds the hungry, provides clothing to those in need and assists others ministries as needed.

Helping Hand Ministry

Helping Hands is a ministry in which Jesus Christ is the center of all that we do. This ministry is what its title says: they undertake outreach missions to serve individuals and families without our community that our in need. The Helping Hand ministry feeds the hungry, provides clothing to those in need and assists others ministries as needed.

Deacons Ministry

Deacons are servants set aside for the purpose of assisting the pastor in caring for the membership. Their duties include, but not limited to, visiting the sick and the bereaved, assisting with baptism, serving the Holy Communion, assisting members with needs or securing the appropriate resources to meet those needs. In order to fulfil these duties, it is essential that they continually pray and study the bible.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry members are the official greeters of the Mount Hermon Baptist Church. They extend words of welcome, a handshake or hug, and a smile to people as they enter the church. They also greet the congregation and guests during the morning worship service.

Liturgical Dance Ministry

The Vessels of Worship (V.O.W.) and Miriam’s Daughters utilize dance as a means to honor the holiness and supremacy of God and to engage the congregation in the worship of God.

Men’s Fellowship

The Men’s Fellowship ministers to the needs of the men of the Church and community by providing services, programs, and events that seek to address the issues that men are confronted with in their Christian life.

Missionary Ministry

The Missionaries assist the Pastor, Deacons and Deaconess in the pastoral care of the membership. This involves providing Christian services that meet the physical social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the membership and the community.

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry is a vital part of the worship service at Mount Hermon. Its primary responsibility is to enhance the worship service through hymns and songs of praise. There are five choirs: The United Voices of Mount Hermon (adult choir); The Male Chorus; Bridges of Praise (young adults); Rosebuds Choir (ages 7 – 13); Youth for Christ Choir (ages 14 – 17); and the Praise Team.

Nurses Ministry

The Nurses of Mount Hermon provide care and assistance, as needed, during worship service to anyone who may be experiencing a medical need. The Nurses also accompany the Senior Pastor to outside preaching engagements.

Pastor’s Aide

The Pastor’s Aide Ministry provides direct personal support to the Pastor. This Ministry, working with and through the congregation, meets the needs of the Pastor through prayer, encouragement, and personal, physical and financial support.

Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee helps young persons who are active members of Mount Hermon to achieve academic excellence, community awareness and social responsibility. They help provide financial support and encouragement for them and their families, recognizing their accomplishments and successes in striving to achieve at higher levels.

Silver Strands Ministry

The Silver Strands Ministry is a group of senior member that help raise funds for capital and physical projects in the church.

Transportation Ministry

The purpose of the Transportation Ministry is to provide transportation for members (primarily senior members) to and from church services and other activities as requested.

Trustees Ministry

The Trustees are the legal representatives of the church that conduct all business aspects of the church. The ministry provides for all the upkeep of the structural condition of the building and all equipment and vehicles owned by the church. The Trustee Ministry is accountable for receiving and accurately accounting for all financial and tangible gifts, and ensuring that all financial obligations of the church are met in a timely manner.

Ushers Ministry

This ministry seeks to provide for all the comfort of members, visitors, and the clergy during worship services. The ministry supports the order of service by assisting with seating, the offering and any other aspect to ensure physical and spiritual dignity in the worship experience

Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry is a sisterhood in which women of all ages gather together for fellowship, comfort, healing, nurturing, discipleship training, witnessing, teaching, ministering, mentoring and being heard.

Assimilation Ministry

The Assimilation Ministry’s purpose is to actively assist individuals and families in becoming incorporated in to our church and community of faith. Empowering them with the necessary tools to maturation in their Christian walk.
Ephesians 2:19-22 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of His household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

1 Thessalonians 2:7 But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own child