The first service of Mount Hermon Baptist Church was held at 81 West 132nd Street, Sunday evening, March 28, 1950 at 2:30.
- The Hymn of the Morning—#559 “Go Preach My Gospel”
- The Scripture—Hebrews 11:1-5
- The offering for the morning—$21.00
- The Topic of Reverend Jones’ Sermon—”Implicit Faith”
Those who attended the first service were:
Reverend Joseph Henderson Jones, Sr.—Reverend L.A. Harty—Mother
Rebecca Jones—Ruby Simons—Mary Smith—Elenora Simmons—
James Tucker—Jack Simmons—Mitchell Rhett—Mabel Winns—Lydia
The first members were: Ruby Simmons—Jack Simmons—Mitchell Rhett—Mab Winns—Lydia Russell—Eleanora Simmons.
Mount Hermon Baptist Ch8rch was officially organized, Thursday
night, June 16, 1950. The officiating church was Beulah Baptist Church,
Rev. N.B. Gadson, Pastor, located at 125 West 130th Street. There were
four (4) Ushers, five (5) Deacons and approximately fifteen (15) registered
choir members.
The first organist was Edna Stone, who was subsequently
succeeded by Adia Edwards. The first chorister was Carolyn
Bryan, mother of Estelle Robinson. Inez Brown was the Church Secretary
and Ruby Simmons was the first to join Mount Hermon. Ruby
Simmons was the first president of the choir. Wilbia Carmichael was
the organizer and the first president of the Usher Board. Under Sis.
Carmichael’s leadership the Usher Board donated the first 100 chairs to
the church.
At the membership continued to grow, the church moved to accommodate it’s growth. While at the 135th Street location, there was a young man who was recently discharged from the U.S. Army who joined Mount Hermon, his name was Benjamin Franklin Jones (son of Rev. Joseph H. Jones, Sr.). This same son, answered a calling from God and was ordained by his father and be- came known to us as Rev. Benjamin Franklin Jones.
The church continued to thrive and grow and the Rev. Enoch H. Clark, the brother of Missionary Dorothy Ross, became the pastor’s assistant and served in the capacity 25 years, until his death.
In 1960 Professor William H. Collins, Jr. began to assist Rev. J.H. Jones, Sr. in organizing and training the young people in the community toi sing. In 1962 Professor Collins joined Mount Hermon and became an integral part of the growing Mount Hermon.
Professor Collins was appointed the Minister of Music and directed the choir, which then con- sisted of seven members. The choir grew and the church was blessed with seven choirs, all un- der the direction of Professor Collins.
On December 2, 1969, the Lord called Reverend Joseph Henderson Jones, Sr. to eternal rest, and at this time, his son the Rev. Benjamin F. Jones was asked to continue with his father’s work and was elected as the second pastor of Mount Hermon Baptist Church, and he continued to add to the spiritual growth of the church.
Our membership increased up to 400 plus, including 75 Adult Ushers, numerous Junior Ushers, 7 Choirs, and many other services with an Outreach Culinary Ministry that has touched the lives of thousands of people throughout the Metropolitan Area.
On January 4, 1991 the gates of Heaven were opened and Rev. B.F. Jones entered into eternal rest.
On January 11, 1992, chairman and co-chairman of the Deacon Board for forty years, was raised to emeritus. The deacons were Oliver Smalls and Hardy Nunes.
The first elected Trustee Board members were Barbara Johnson, Chairman, Shirley McCoy, Fi- nancial Secretary, John Peterson, Treasurer, William Campbell, Laura Lightfoot, Joseph Pereira, Sterlyn Alexander, Lillian Hardison, Professor William H. Collins, Jr., Patricia Funnye, and Lanita Jenkins.
The new pastor was elected on June 6,1992, the Reverend Ben Willie Watkins was installed as Pastor of Mount Hermon Baptist Church, August 2, 1992. He exhibited great preaching and teaching ability which is needed in these times that try men’s souls. He gave God’s people the unadulterated Word that fed us spiritually and helped us to stay on this Christian journey with the realization that Jesus is always there. Rev. Watkins believed in Bible studying unceasingly and instituted various studies, on all levels, for instruction in the Word of the Lord. Under Rev. Watkins leadership the Special Events Committee was established, and Tampie Watson was ap- pointed Chairperson. In 2001, after serving for 9 years, Rev. Watkins resigned as Pastor of Mount Hermon.
The Chairman of the Diaconate Ministry, Deacon Saul May, bring responsible for bring God’s messenger to the pulpit each Sunday to proclaim the word of God, sought out Reverend Richard H. Dixon. Reverend Dixon graciously accepted and in the year 2003 Mount Hermon was blessed by the arrival of our 4th Pastor
Reverend Wenzell Phillip Jackson came to Mount Hermon Baptist Church from San Francisco, California where he had began his preaching ministry at the age of 19 years. Rev. Jackson’s last assignment in San Francesco was at the Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church. Rev. Jackson was elected Pastor on June 6, 2003, and was officially installed as Pastor of the Mount Hermon Baptist Church on Sunday, August 31, 2003.
Reverend Jackson had a passion for people and their spiritual development. His corporate experience taught him much about administration and he firmly believed in excellence in every aspect of the church. Reverend Jackson was a Bible teaching, Bible preaching man of God, committed to the call of Christ and took he ministry that God had invested in him seriously. Reverend Jackson states that, “I love what I do for the Lord and have a passion for God’s Ministry.”
During his time he developed the church official Logo, he was very involved and committed to the people of the Highbridge Community. He was instrumental as a Community Board Leader, the President and instrumental and bring a Junior High School to the Highbridge area, the only Green School in this community which bears his name on the School Library. He was also instrumental in the refurbishment of the High Bridge that connects the Bronx to Manhattan. He had a passion for song and praise and the development of our young people.
On September 27, 2014 at the corner of 167th Street and Nelson Avenue was officially renamed Bishop Wenzell P. Jackson Place.
On February 5, 2013 Pastor Jackson was called home to be with the Lord after 10 years of service.
After Pastor Jackson’s transition, the Diaconate Ministry took responsibility of seeing that the congregation received God’s Word every Sunday.
In December 2014 Reverend Joseph J. Jones was elected to be our new and current pastor.
Reverend Jones was officially installed May 3, 2015.